Virtual Schools » Seniors


Class of 2023!

Welcome to the Senior High School Page at STEAM Virtual Academy
Welcome, students! This is your dedicated resource hub for your journey through senior high school. Here, we provide the tools and support to help you excel and make the most out of your high school years.

What's Happening?
Stay tuned to this space for exciting workshops, webinars, and events designed just for you, aimed at enriching your learning experience and making high school both rewarding and fun.

Cool Resources
Explore a plethora of resources designed to assist with your academics, participate in captivating programs, and find innovative ways to make learning enjoyable and effective.

Stay In The Know
Stay updated with all the latest school news. Remember, if you need help or have any questions, reach out - we're here to support you. Together, let's make your high school years remarkable!

Welcome to STEAM's Senior High Page!
Welcome to the Senior High School Page! here you'll find updates, academic tools, and event details. Stay connected, stay engaged!